Average weekly wage when Falcon models were released. Reliable records can only be found after the introduction of decimal currency. Figures marked with an asterix (*) mean that the data is the NSW average wage, not the national wage.
XR Falcon. 1966: $62.40*

XT Falcon. 1968: $69.00*
XW Falcon. 1969: $75.20*
XY Falcon. 1970: $82.30*

XA Falcon. 1972: $101.00*
XB Falcon. 1973: $111.70*
XC Falcon 1976: $180.30
XD Falcon. 1979: $232.80
XE Falcon. 1982: $305.10
XF Falcon. 1984: $365.20

EA Falcon 1988: $464.80
EB Falcon 1991: $560.80
ED Falcon 1993: $597.80
EF Falcon 1994: $652.40

EL Falcon 1996: $714.10
AU Falcon 1998: $766.80
BA Falcon 2002: $906.80
BF Falcon 2005: $1060.80
FG Falcon 2008: $1 183.10

FG-X Falcon 2014: $1 516.00